Fitness Friday # 9 : 7 Minute HIIT Workout

Happy Friday!!!. It’s the last friday of 2013. This week has been great as I need to work couple of days. I actually don’t have much to blog about, very weird isnt it.

For today’s Fitness Friday  post I have an easy but very effective HIIT workout.

*Note: Please warm up for 2 minutes before starting the workout and don’t forget to stretch at the end

What are your plans for the weekend ?? I have maxed out my cards this holiday season so thinking to stay at home and organize my pantry, laundry and kitchen. It needs deep cleaning too.

Fitness Friday # 8 : Tone It Up Workout

Happy Friday Friends !!! Ahh just 5 more days until Christmas. I just work couple of days for the next 2 weeks and rest of days holidays. I love it and so ready for the holidays to start.

As the Holidays are nearing its pretty common for us to get stuffed and surrounded by those lip smacking delicious food and desserts. But having everything in moderation and a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise should do the trick. Instead of making resolutions for the New Year why not start 2 weeks early.
I have decided to cut out soda, alcohol ( mostly wine) for the next 2 weeks. Also will be working out and planning to do “Yoga” once a week ( I am very bad in stretching so this should do the trick).

*Note: Please warm up for 2 minutes before starting the workout and don’t forget to stretch at the end

So how are you staying active during the holidays??  

Any plans for the holidays??

Did you take any resolutions before the New Year??

Fitness Friday # 7 : Full Body Workout – III

Happy Friday. How was your week so far?? We put up all the decorations this week and the house is now officially set for the Holidays.

Holidays are around the corner which means lots of delicious desserts, cookies, and loads of fat. So be wise in eating ( small portions of food in regular intervals) and of course fitness.  Today’s workout is one of my favorite. Its a total body workout and you can modify it depending on the weights you are comfortable in doing.

*Note: Please warm up for 2 minutes before starting the workout and don’t forget to stretch at the end

Links for Workouts

Bench press lying on the ground

DB rows with a sumo squat


DB Tricep Extensions

Standing Overhead Press

Lat raises with a walking lunge

Deep Squats

Weighted Situps



Fitness Friday # 6 : Cardio Intervals

Its insanely cold in Denver this Friday morning. The temps are below 20F and snow is predicted tonight and tomorrow.  Hope to get warmed up by early next week in time for the holiday weekend.

Thanks everyone for the likes on my DIY # Pantry Makeover post. Its Friday and time for another Fitness Friday post.

I was going through the blog and the last post on Fitness was in October.  I was a bit lazy in terms of fitness these days blame the vacation, settling back and freezing temps. But yesterday me and hubby decided to get back to regular fitness so be fit for New Year. So we started resolutions early this year.

Coming to today’s workout. Its Cardio Intervals. This workout looks easy and simple but will have you sweating like crazy and good to burn that excess amount of fat.

*Note: Please warm up for 2 minutes before starting the workout and don’t forget to stretch at the end

Links for the Workouts:

Mountain Climbers

Frog Jumps

In and Outs ( down in plank position bring legs in toward your chest and back.)

Hops Side to Side ( you can put something on the ground to hop over if you want)

Jump rope ( if you don’t have one then just pretend)

Jump Squats.

Any plans for the weekend  or early holiday shopping ?? I just need to deep clean the home and organize it. Thinking to buy decorations, Christmas tree and lighting for the home.

Fitness Friday # 4 : Legs & Abs Workout

Happy Friday !! I am so happy the weekend is here and cant wait to relax.  Before relaxing its time for our Fitness Friday Post. I have a great and easy  workout which can be done anywhere. Its a Legs & Abs workout.

*Note: Please warm up for 2 minutes before starting the workout and don’t forget to stretch at the end

Links for the workouts:

Sumo Squats


Squats with side leg lifts


Side Crunches

Bicycle Crunches

Jump Squats


Happy Weekend !!!

What are your plans for weekend?? I have to work on Saturday and some shopping on  Sunday and regular grocery, meal plan.