Friday Faves and Fitness

Happy Friday !!! I have been so busy this week with work and finally need some time to relax.

As you all know I am currently doing the Summer Shred. So far I am on track with the program, clean eating and workouts.

Once I am done with the Shred I am planning to do random workouts. I have been pinning so many workouts lately and thought to share them here.

Abs Workout

abs_1I feel comfortable doing the abs exercise and hence I tend to lose the weight around abs pretty soon, and also my strongest part in my body.

So I am concentrating on my arms and legs for the month of June. I tend to put on fat/weight in these areas than my waist.

Coming to the legs workout I am thinking to start running by doing the Couch to 5k and also the below workout.


Smoothies are a great way to stay healthy and get the required amount of fruit and vegetable servings. I have been drinking the Green Monster Smoothie a lot these days (spinach, frozen berries, banana, dash of honey, almond milk, flax seed).  I am thinking to drink a lot as it feels like summer and also its a great post workout drink.

smoothiesEggless Brownies (only 120 calories).

Brownies made with zucchini, bananas and applesauce, yielding a brownie with only 120 calories, 2 grams of fat, and a whole bunch of vitamins and minerals.

brownies 3 Ingredient Energy Bars

Yesterday I was reading one of the blogs and found these yummy energy bars which have just 3 ingredients ( nuts, dry fruit and dates). So i searched online and found the recipe for the energy bars. The author states to mix up the ingredients with different combinations. I am going to make these this weekend.


I fell in love with this dress when I was browsing through one of the websites. Thought to buy this for Mother’s Day, but as I am doing the Shred currently decided to buy at the end of the challenge as a reward.


Do you reward too once you are done with any challenge (either fitness or any sort) If so how??

Have a great weekend

Whats is your opinion?