What’s going on ???

The last post I have blogged was 10 days ago. I blame myself for the absence as its my sheer laziness for not writing a post this past few days. At the start of the month I have decided to lose 5 pounds and to workout each and every day. So how I am doing this challenge. I failed .. yes I failed in the fitness part. On the losing pounds part I am half way there ( this was successful as I was counting my calories and controlling portion size). 

Main reason for not working out is my baby was sick for a whole week. She had fever on Monday and till Saturday night she wasn’t normal again. Poor kid she lost couple of pounds and hadn’t eaten a full meal in a week. Hope she becomes better and better this week.

Due to my work schedule, home, taking care of my sick child I hardly had time to workout not even for couple of minutes of walk. The past two days I had friends come over for dinner and I have been stuffing my self with all the food and in the middle of the night I was rolling on the bed due to indigestion Sad smile. Today morning I woke up feeling like crap, that’s when I have decided I need to workout at least for couple of mins (15 – 20 ) . 

I am thinking waking half an hour early daily and to workout. This not only helps me to wake up early but also motivates me to stay active. So this week goal to workout 4-5 days at home and if weather is perfect may be take a walk Winking smile.

Do you too make goals, fail at them and bounce back before its too late?? Please share your experiences with me.

2 thoughts on “What’s going on ???

  1. Good going, Sirisha. Don’t blame yourself for missing a goal. I have apps like “Any.do” on my mobile with recurring tasks and that keeps me going and not missing on things. I also used to keep track on myfitnesstracker.com just to measure my portions and stuff. I think you are doing a good job telling everyone and every time – that will definitely help. Remember, as you grow old – your kid would read this blog and your going will be a great inspiration for her. Is that good enough for your to keep going 🙂

  2. Ohh dolly you made my day. Thanks so much for the sweet words. I am using myfitnesspal to track food and exercises which helps in counting calories and also amount of carbs and sugar I eat.

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